Carpal tunnel syndrome in persons performing cosmetic procedures

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common chronic median nerve mononeuropathy manifested by nocturnal paraesthesia, sensory disturbances, and weakness or atrophy of the hand muscles. The symptoms of this syndrome are the result of chronic ischemia of the median nerve caused by increased pressure inside the carpal tunnel. The increase in intracanal pressure may occur as a result of an injury, anomalies in the structure of anatomical structures, endocrine disorders, or in specific positions of the wrist maintained for a long time – maximum dorsal or palmar flexion of the hand. Such positions are very often taken by office workers, whose nature of work resembles that of a beautician. The main goal of this study was to collect and present up-to-date information on the characteristics, clinical picture, etiology and epidemiology of carpal tunnel syndrome (with particular emphasis on the beautician profession) as commonly considered a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome. The additional purpose was to present conservative and surgical treatment as the two main methods of improving the patient’s health. In the non-advanced forms of carpal tunnel syndrome conservative treatment is used. The most common method is to immobilize the wrist in an intermediate position in the orthosis. Pharmacotherapy is also effective. Physiotherapeutic activities are mainly aimed at improving the patient’s quality of life, especially in the area of pain relief. If there is no improvement in response to conservative treatment or worsening of the syndrome’s symptoms, surgical treatment should be considered.

Aesthetic medicine in the context of mental health and ethics

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